LEDs for General Lighting |
Mid-Power (0.2 - 1 W) 中低功率发光二极管(功率有0.1W,0.2W,0.3W,0.4W,0.5W)主要为PLCC等封装形式,有3014、3022、3030、5630等样式,适用于(筒灯/平板灯/电灯泡/路灯/灯箱)等照明产品。
High-power (1 - 4 W) 高光通量LED是目前LED照明主要的应用产品,有0.5w,1w,2.5w,3w,7w,10w,60w等不同的包装样式和颜色多种多样。它一般用于LED的高电流额定值(100mA或更高)和/或高流明值。
Ultra-high-power(>4W) RGB LED是红色,绿色,蓝色三种颜色封装在一个LED内,也称全彩LED,是目前显示屏与户外亮化应用最多的式样,有2020、3528、5050、3MM椭圆式、5MM椭圆式等款式,根据电流的不同,RGB三种颜色可以混合成自然界的全彩色。 |
Full Color LEDs P4的LED是发光带有4 - pin的DIP封装式二极管。这通常是用于需要更高的正向电流(30mA/70mA)应用。
Lamp LEDs DIP式LED是应用比较多的LED封装形式,有3MM、5MM、8MM、方形、椭圆型等,适用于(特殊效果灯/舞台灯光//招牌/交通灯/手电筒)等特殊照明。
LEDs for Automotive, Consumer and Industry Applications |
Low-power (< 0.15 W) Visible Emitters is a term used to classify LEDs that are designed to operate together with a photo detector. the wavelength range is approximately 380nm - 770nm with outputs generally designated in mW (milliwatts). |
Mid-power (0.15-0.7 W) Infrared Emitters are similar to Visible Emitters in that they are designed to operate together with a photo detector. The wavelength range is approximately 770nm - 1300nm with outputs measured in mW (milliwatts). |
High-power (0.7 - 6 W) Photo Detectors is a brand term used to describe devices that "detect" light. They are typically combined with either Visible or Infrared Emitters. |
Ultra-high-power(>6W) Point Source Emitters are special LEDs that produce a very narrow almost "laser like" point of light. They are available in both visible and infrared ranges. |
Sideview LEDs Reflective Switches is a general term used to describe a component that have both an emitter and detector in the same package as well as the same physical plane. |
Emitter, Lasers and Sensors |
Infrared Emitters Visible Emitters is a term used to classify LEDs that are designed to operate together with a photo detector. the wavelength range is approximately 380nm - 770nm with outputs generally designated in mW (milliwatts). |
Lasers Infrared Emitters are similar to Visible Emitters in that they are designed to operate together with a photo detector. The wavelength range is approximately 770nm - 1300nm with outputs measured in mW (milliwatts). |
Sensors Photo Detectors is a brand term used to describe devices that "detect" light. They are typically combined with either Visible or Infrared Emitters. |
Phototransistors Point Source Emitters are special LEDs that produce a very narrow almost "laser like" point of light. They are available in both visible and infrared ranges. |
Optical Sensors Reflective Switches is a general term used to describe a component that have both an emitter and detector in the same package as well as the same physical plane. |
LEDS Module |
LED Display Visible Emitters is a term used to classify LEDs that are designed to operate together with a photo detector. the wavelength range is approximately 380nm - 770nm with outputs generally designated in mW (milliwatts). |
LED Dot Matrix Infrared Emitters are similar to Visible Emitters in that they are designed to operate together with a photo detector. The wavelength range is approximately 770nm - 1300nm with outputs measured in mW (milliwatts). |
LED holder Photo Detectors is a brand term used to describe devices that "detect" light. They are typically combined with either Visible or Infrared Emitters. |
Dot Matrix Point Source Emitters are special LEDs that produce a very narrow almost "laser like" point of light. They are available in both visible and infrared ranges. |
Seven Segment Reflective Switches is a general term used to describe a component that have both an emitter and detector in the same package as well as the same physical plane. |