
Linking To marktechopto.com

Linking to MarktechOpto.com is easy, and can benefit your users and viewers. A link exchange between our sites can benefit both of us. Any website that requests a link will undergo verification for visibility and relevance, and we reserve the right to reject or later remove any website considered inappropriate for placement here, for any reason, at any time, with or without notification.

How To Link To Us

  1. Of the two links presented below, choose the one that best suits your website.
  2. Copy and paste the code provided to a page of your website with fewer than 30 outbound links on it.
  3. E-mail us here and let us know:
    • What clickable title you would like for your listing
    • A 1-2 sentence description of your site
    • The URL to which you would like marktechopto.com to link
    • The URL of the page on your site where you have placed a link to MarktechOpto.com
  4. We DO NOT engage in "triangular" or "three-way" link exchanges--links will ONLY be placed going to domains containing a page with a link to marktechopto.com.

Sample Link #1

Sanken Optoelectronics have been providers of a great selection of LED products since 1985. Visit marktechopto.com today to peruse our selection.

<a href="http://www.marktechopto.com">LEDs</a><br>Sanken Optoelectronics have been providers of a great selection of LED products since 1985. Visit marktechopto.com today to peruse our selection.

Sample Link #2

LED Manufacturers
Comprehensive solutions to LED engineering needs. MarktechOpto.com can help you find answers to your questions about LED products and setups.

<a href="http://www.marktechopto.com">LED Manufacturers</a><br>Comprehensive solutions to LED engineering needs. MarktechOpto.com can help you find answers to your questions about LED products and setups.

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